
FABRIC CATALOG for your home

Here you can download the complete Spinning Wheel catalogue.

“We believe that Harmony is the meaning of every research and that Beauty is its aesthetic manifestation.
Even the construction of a fabric is a research path that finds its fulfillment only through the creation of a harmonious relationship between the warp and the weft.
Pursuing Harmony, and therefore Beauty, is in Man’s Nature and for this reason, for over 60 years, we have never tired of weaving Warp yarns and Weft yarns.
We only choose natural yarns because we want to be in harmony with the environment in which we live.
We do continuous research because observing the world is an inexhaustible source of inspiration.
We weave, without fail, in Abruzzo, in the heart of Italy, because our roots are our lifeblood.
This is us, Arcolaio, and it’s great to meet you!”

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