160,00 €
From the holiness kit, the necklace Mary Magdalene. A necklace that can be worn in three different ways: as a hat, as a halo or as a necklace. A versatile jewel designed and created by Laura Cadelo Bertrand that lends itself to playing freely with the wearer.
As often happens, Laura leaves those who buy her works with the possibility of interpreting and wearing them freely, depending on the day or mood. Brass creations, jewels that come to life on the body of the wearer.
large circle diameter 25 cm
small circle 17.5 x 15.50 cm
Creativity Oggetti
via Carlo Alberto 40/f Torino, Italy
t. +39 011 81 77 864
VAT 08256180012
Made with ♥︎ by Stilverso Full-Digital Agency
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